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July 22, 2024

Qu'est ce que je sais?

By Bernie Pilarski

What if I had four arms?
Would you still love me?
Would it matter if they
Were all on the left?

And if I had three eyes,
One blue and two green,
Could it be that you would
Feel a bit bereft?

Love is surely fickle,
Easily put off
By extra body parts
Or oddly placed cleft.

But if I had two heads,
Each comely and young,
Would that benefit me
And give my cause heft?

I would like to believe
That only my soul
Is what makes you love me,
But what do I know?

Yet all I know for sure,
I have but one heart,
And if you don't love me,
Then surely I'm effed.

Article © Bernie Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-03-28
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