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July 22, 2024

No Hidden Agenda

By John Patrick Robbins

No Hidden Agenda

One day it will find you.
The moment you cannot predict.
Maybe it will be tomorrow.
Maybe it won't be for years.

It's a drought the mind creates,
and the flood that will drown you if you choose to allow it.

We can find ourselves lost when amongst many,
and at home when completely alone.

Never fight what works for you.
Love the chaos and hate the ordinary path.

Learn to bleed and never show how deep it truly is.

We all have been there before.
You cannot say when but if you have it.

One day it will rain.
Embrace it and you will understand it all.

There is no message I can give.
It's always there.

A locked door will only remain that way if you choose for it to remain so.

The ignorant are still waiting.

Article © John Patrick Robbins. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-03-19
Image(s) are public domain.
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