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July 22, 2024

Articles by John Patrick Robbins



On My New Direction (2018-01-29) poem unrhymed

John Patrick Robbins is a barroom poet whose work has appeared in Red Fez, Spill The Words, Horror Sleaze Trash, Inbetween Hangovers, Ramingos Porch,Your One Phone Call, The Outlaw Poetry Network. His work is always a hundred percent unfiltered.

How the Race Is Ran (2018-02-26) poem unrhymed

"...Maybe those words would affect someone who truly gave a damn..."

No Hidden Agenda (2018-03-19) poem unrhymed

"...Love the chaos and hate the ordinary path..."

Looking Back (2018-04-16) poem unrhymed

"...I never understood what I was asking for..."

Grind (2018-05-21) poem unrhymed

"...how could I say no..."

On Publication (2018-06-18) poem unrhymed

"...When in hell we create the art that is to be our escape..."

Depression (2018-07-23) poem unrhymed

"...I wasn't letting happiness in without a fight today...."

Stay Out of the Shadows (2018-08-20) poem unrhymed

"...They always find you when you are too flawed..."

No Words Needed Today (2018-09-17) poem unrhymed

"...We cannot replace what is taken from this life..."

Think About It? (2019-01-14) poem unrhymed

"...Smoke and mirrors fool most..."

My Truth (2019-02-04) poem unrhymed

"...long nights alone just eat away at your soul..."

Career Change (2019-03-04) poem unrhymed

"...Never claim to be crazy around a artist..."

Dead End Dream (2019-04-08) poem unrhymed

"...Promises kill tomorrows and time exposes the flaws..."

Last Rights and New Revelations (2019-06-10) poem unrhymed

"...because I'm just like all the rest..."

Words Not To Live By (2019-07-08) poem unrhymed

"...Burn the candle at both ends and maybe burn a little something extra too..."

I'm a Hound of Many Things (2019-08-12) poem unrhymed

"...I am often in a haze and seldom alone..."

There's Always a Promise (2019-10-28) poem unrhymed

"...I felt no regrets or worries over tomorrow..."

There Is a Fine Line (2020-03-09) poem unrhymed

"...My next tour will be fully financed but I never question by who..."

An Open Letter to a Closed Heart (2020-04-13) poem unrhymed

"...I never stopped, I just can never stay..."

Ode to the Mediocre (2020-05-18) poem unrhymed

"...I am never an outlaw, but I am a rebel to a lost cause..."

Case Unclosed (2020-06-08) poem unrhymed

"...nobody could solve the mystery that he had created..."

I Am Truly All Heart (2020-10-12) poem unrhymed

"...do you think using drugs would improve my writing?"

Dear Kid (2020-11-16) poem unrhymed

"...I never claimed this would be easy..."

Bourbon Trail (2020-12-28) poem unrhymed

"...a dash of water and bitter truths..."

Pun (2021-01-18) poem unrhymed

"...soon to become an endangered species..."

Tattoo (2021-05-24) poem unrhymed

"...Idols are for mantles and shrines..."

Judas in Theory (2021-06-21) poem unrhymed

"...I desire silence over false praise..."

Alcoholic Writers (2021-07-19) poem unrhymed

"...Would I repeat my choices if I had to start all over again?"

Ode to the Backyard (2021-08-16) poem unrhymed

"...I am truly a literary renaissance man..."

My Two Cents to Writers and Editors Alike (2022-04-11) poem unrhymed

"...two seconds to read and what seems like an eternity to craft..."

The Definition of Liar's Poker (2022-05-16) poem unrhymed

"...in truth you're lucky to be holding a seven..."

No Fools No... (2022-06-13) poem unrhymed

"...She handed me crazy in spades and happiness by default..."

Stop, Was Her Sign (2022-07-11) poem unrhymed

"...Just how often can that woman truly be washing her hair?..."

Within Her Paradise (2022-08-08) poem unrhymed

"...To now quench thirsts within her oasis ever beckoning promise..."

Dead Are the Dreamers (2023-02-06) poem unrhymed

"Love is like a lobotomy..."

No Olives To Branch (2023-03-06) poem unrhymed

"...I will meet you there, as I did promise..."

Magic Fingers (2023-04-03) poem unrhymed

"...fragments in time perfectly in tune..."

A Moment in Off Time (2023-05-01) poem unrhymed

"...As rain so shall wash the world anew..."

I'm Forever the Ice (2024-07-08) poem unrhymed

"...As I allow you to fall..."

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