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July 22, 2024

Within Her Paradise

By John Patrick Robbins

Within Her Paradise

As nights surrender give way and the veil is crossed.
No words hold magic as passion contains thought.
Whispers in lust and every caress is an escape.

Let it linger in the taste of wicked bliss and thoughtless desire.
Retreat within and embrace the tides.

Full in view shielded in moon and sheltered on midnight skies.
Raven of hair haunted within is the heart lost within hell's labyrinth.

To now quench thirsts within her oasis ever beckoning promise.
True power is within the willingness to abandon all control, allowing the tides to take you as they will.

I give to her only and for the curious and ghosts of my past.

I ask kindly.

Please do not disturb.

Article © John Patrick Robbins. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-08-08
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