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July 22, 2024

No Fools No...

By John Patrick Robbins

No Fools No...

We were talking about our weekend together.
And how she loved looking out over the water with my arms wrapped around her.

And how I dry humped her as a fisherman passed who shot us the strangest look.

As she busted out in laughter at my batshit antics, happy as two kids.
As she said to me.

"You know next time, I could wear a short skirt. I'm just saying, we could fuck in the woods."

I had to laugh for I believe my quest to find my match was over.

She handed me crazy in spades and happiness by default.

Two perfect fools underneath the soon to be setting February sun.

Happiness is in the moments captured in mental photographs and simple poems as these.

Cherish them eternal and never forget to awkwardly laugh out loud.

Article © John Patrick Robbins. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-06-13
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