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February 10, 2025


By John Patrick Robbins


Please tattoo my name upon your body as tribute to my greatness.
And let me sign your first born's forehead just for good measure.

Please inflate my ego and worship me as God.
Then curse my name after we finally meet.

When you realize, I am just another prick like all the rest.
As I didn't live up to your childish expectations and fill your pathetic void.

Hero worship of any kind is total bullshit to begin with.
Because you can never be better than a dream that exists within the thoughts of another.

And eventually they will hate what they so dearly once treasured.
Celebrity is not to be envied and that's why I prefer to be viewed as the villain.

Because being yourself has a certain degree of freedom most will never truly fathom.

I never thirst for anything more.
Than a strong drink and a one night stand.
Because fame will never be my cup of tea.

Imagine all the people thinking for themselves.
Instead of worshiping the ground another walks on.
John Lennon inspired many and fueled the delusional hopes of a lunatic named Mark David Chapman.

You think celebrity is such a blast?
If you ever bump into that said Beatle on the other side.
I believe he would have to disagree.

Idols are for mantles and shrines and so are urns filled with the remains of the dead.

The expired candle allows you to realize how dark this world can truly be.

Article © John Patrick Robbins. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-05-24
Image(s) are public domain.
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