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July 22, 2024

Passing Midland-Odessa on I-20

By Carl Wade Thompson

Passing Midland-Odessa on I-20

Passing Midland-Odessa in a hurry,
the smell of petrol plants wafting,
I scan the scape for beauty,
finding only a limbo of trailer parks.
Oil pumps are grinding away
as the refineries belch fire from their stacks
like sleeping dragons dreaming
of the time when they shall soar high and free.
I look at the decay of this place,
an angel that has strayed far from God's grace.
I now know why we will die and fade like all things,
what evil we've wrought is our own doing.
Let us fade in the smoke of carbon clouds
as we die each day, a little more now.

Article © Carl Wade Thompson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-02-18
Image(s) are public domain.
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