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July 22, 2024

Save My Job: An Existential Crisis

By Pranab Ghosh

Save My Job: An Existential Crisis

Good Life! Good Food! Good Job! Good Home! Good Women! Good Coffee Shops! Good Restaurants! Courtship! Marriage! Then...

Time grinds life AND as the wheel turns spinning out desire and the money to satisfy the needs and the surplus that satisfies the unthinkable, the deepest secret ... the pleasure ... the accepted norms fulfilled ... Satisfaction ...

Then time comes crushing down. Economy melts. Life's economy demands curbs, brakes. Existence gets out of control. Desire becomes the venom of the snake that bit the queen once, as she longed for her Caesar, nowhere to be found. Silver screen presence clashes with ground that shakes beneath.

Then ... Do you know anyone ... Do you know anyone ... Do you know anyone ... Anyone, who can save my job?

Then ... Then ... Then ...

Article © Pranab Ghosh. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-04-15
Image(s) are public domain.
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