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July 22, 2024

Flash Blurbs

By Ian C. Smith

Flash Blurbs

Desire, ennui, swells to a tsunami.
Heartbreaking. Haruki Murakami.

Wrongs left on simmer. Secrets. The soul's plight.
Wan layered sadness revealed. Anne Enright.

Don't be deceived, all is not in accord.
Undermined hope on the verge. Richard Ford.

Crafted echoes. Turbulence. Time's near-whist.
X-ray-eyed yet humane. Ellen Gilchrist.

Poems or prose, fresh, never insular.
West Australia strobed. John Kinsella.

Small-town dwellers struggle, mourn, yearn, doubt.
Grief in the detail. Elizabeth Strout.

Subtle. Pinpointing human endeavor.
Always inquisitive. William Trevor.

Soft, strong as cat's paws, a brawl in a bar.
Razor's edge observation. Mary Karr.

Provocateur? Narrator? Imposter?
Master of long sentences. Paul Auster.

Dazzling, witty, wise, demanding encore.
Desperate not depressing. Lorrie Moore.

Article © Ian C. Smith. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-07-06
Image(s) are public domain.
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