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July 22, 2024

A Distant Distress Signal

By Ndaba Sibanda

A Distant Distress Signal

It was sent out on the net --
his face fetching but wet

He laments over a love ship
that carries a crushed friendship

Long ago, it was stirred and violent
and they listened and felt pleasant

It had its lows, it was their mortar,
it was their heat, their hearts' snorter

Now they feel a fooling, fierce fence,
it makes sense -- doctor, it isn't intense

It isn't appealing and squeezing,
it seems to take pride in snoozing

Hence, they're calling for a knight
in medical armour to fix their plight

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-10-05
Image(s) are public domain.
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