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July 22, 2024

A Lost Novel from the Wild Year of 2017

By Bradford Middleton

A Lost Novel From the Wild Year of 2017

(one I forgot and very nearly lost)

A day off after three long weekend shifts
On the trot leaves me needing a drink and
A smoke and right now that is all sorted
And swinging nicely from this ornament of
Just another Tuesday evening lost to these
Here words but this morning was a different
Matter entirely.

I woke and knew I needed to do some work
As piles of paper were everywhere and
Rubbish and the weekend detritus left me
Convinced, "Yes, at last this is proper squalor."
I picked up a bundle of papers and shelved
The books which sat there that I'd read and
As I was going through it all I found something.

A cover page simply stating 'The Second Novel'
With a date from November 2017 and the first
Fifteen odd chapters and I couldn't believe it, I'd
Somehow managed to not just forget it but somehow
I've now saved it. It may only be me who gets
To read it but hey at least its got to be better
Than going out there.

Article © Bradford Middleton. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-12-07
Image(s) are public domain.
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