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July 22, 2024

Sporty Film Talk

By Bradford Middleton

Sporty Film Talk

With the lock-down on not much has
Changed so i still spend nights sat here
Listening to my radio and generally
The talk being sporty. Some things
Haven't changed except the limitations
Of the guests they have on now; as if
To illuminate this tonight's topic for
All of ten minutes is of film, something
The lock-down has caused me to lose
Myself in recently.

They mention lots but none of real
Class or consequence, the Mighty
Ducks being one that stuck out for

Me especially. There is no talk of
That mighty Mickey Rourke tour-de-
Force The Wrestler and any talk of
Boxing film ended with Stallone and
That god-damn Rocky mess of franchise
Whilst i almost screamed, for pity's
Sake hasn't anyone watched Raging
, another moment of De Niro's

Article © Bradford Middleton. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-02-01
Image(s) are public domain.
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