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January 13, 2025

Was I Not Curious Enough?

By Thomas Elson

Was I not curious enough when I met your parents and noticed they did not touch each other?

Was I not curious enough when the inconsistencies started?

     When the lies surfaced?

     When your excuses overcame logic?

     When our arguments began?

Was I not curious enough when I laid down my ultimatum?

     When for over fifteen years, we moved from state to state, job to job?

     When I continued to live as if nothing had happened?

Did I not ask the right questions?

     When the paychecks became erratic, and your time at home grew longer.

     Your work hours shorter.

     When I visited you at your job and learned you had not worked there in over a month?

Did I believe because you were gentler than most -- never raised your hand or voice -- you would change?

Was I not curious enough when the police knocked on the door?

Did I not ask the right questions when I posted bail?

     When you appeared in court?

Was I not curious enough during the next three years of calm that followed?

     With steady paychecks? Promotions? Stability?

Was I not curious enough when the creditors called?

When there were no more job interviews?

No more jobs?

Did I accommodate?

Reduce myself?

Shrink myself into the marriage?

Was I ...?

Article © Thomas Elson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-10-04
Image(s) are public domain.
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