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July 22, 2024

Lying Close

By Eric Robert Nolan

Lying Close

Lying with her,
Lying close,
Lying while her past escapes in silver whispers.

Lying with her,
Lying close,
Lying while the unspoken i
Is a rough coal in my own throat.

Her soft voice
Is the cry of the single quail at dusk --
Easy and artless, unaware
It's alone as night encroaches.

My silence
Fails to announce the purposeful, leaning
Turn of the falcon's arc.

Lying with her,
Lying close,
Lying by omission.

© Eric Robert Nolan 2013

Previously appeared in Dead Snakes.

Article © Eric Robert Nolan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-03-28
Image(s) are public domain.
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