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July 22, 2024

When the South Africans Rose to the Occasion

By Ndaba Sibanda

When the South Africans Rose to the Occasion

The year was 2023 and the American skies were filled with haze and hazard,
the citizens’ hearts with fright. What was behind the record wildfires?
Were the fear-provoking blazes an upshot of lightning or human activity?

Videos and satellite images captured the wildfires
that were raging across that country in North America,
their smoke was not thinning out, reaching Pennsylvania.

I am told the South African firefighters broke out in song and dance
at the airport as if to convince the obviously anxious citizens
of Canada that definite assistance had arrived at their shores.

A courageous contingent
of two hundred South African firefighters landed
in that North American country to fight colossal and corrosive forest fires.

South African Firefighters

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-06-19
Image(s) are public domain.
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