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July 22, 2024

Articles by Kellie Gillespie

[Opinion] [Short] [Nonfiction] [News] [Poem]


Christmas, 1999 (2003-12-27) op_ed

What could make a holiday with the relatives even better? Add a pirate you've picked up on the rebound and plenty of rum balls. A glimpse of some fond memories from Christmas Past.

At the Reference Desk (2004-01-10) op_ed

The life of a reference librarian isn't as easy as it looks. They teach you how to find the answers to any and every question in the years of extensive schooling the position requires, but when it comes to learning how to deal with the public, you're on your own.

At the Reference Desk: Habeas Corpus (2004-01-31) op_ed

An innocent question at the Reference Desk yields an answer that has particular relevance and controversy for today. The Writ of Habeas Corpus is all about ensuring people's constitutional rights weren't violated. For a librarian, the first thing this brings to mind is the recent Patriot Act.

Philadelphe (2004-02-07) op_ed

Karen and Katie were best friends for a while, as much as sisters can be until families start dividing -- husband from wife, sister from sister. The girls separated as the parents did. It just took more time.

Piano Envy (2004-02-14) op_ed

At forty-three years of age, there's no reason to feel guilty about not practicing all week come the Wednesday night piano lesson. After all, who is paying who? ...Just keep telling yourself that.

Confessions of an Amateur Author (2004-03-20) op_ed

A new author finds that the road to publication is not paved with good intentions but instead involves a lot of anxiety, tears, sleepless nights and good vodka. A look at the process of producing an honest-to-goodness book, from proposal to the triumphant, Valium-assisted book signing.

At the Reference Desk: Baptism (2004-05-22) op_ed

A patron's request for an overview of the concept of Baptism leads to a journey through history, symbolism and personal experience.

Leavin' on a Jetplane (2004-06-19) op_ed

Packing for the trip can be a more harrowing adventure than any you experience while away from home. Does he really need four pairs of shoes? Does she really need 10 different books? Yes. Hell, yes.

Recommended Summer Reading (2004-07-03) op_ed

Looking for something to read for the summer that has a compelling plot, engaging characters, and appeals to a "vacation mood"? Here's a list of novels that are just the thing for a good, summer pool read.

At the Reference Desk: Doozies (2004-10-02) op_ed humor library

The job of a reference librarian is livelier than you might think. Some of the questions they receive in the course of the day are real, well...

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Newsflash: Bin Laden Found in Bisbee, Arizona (2004-03-27) short

Fugitive Osama Bin Laden may have been hiding in Bisbee, Arizona, a remote town close to the United States/Mexico border, but locals paint a different image of the man the rest of the world knows as a terrorist.

Peanut Butter Tears (2004-07-10) short

A strange craving for peanut butter is a symptom of a sickness that runs deep beneath the surface of a house-wife looking to fill a void. A winner of the 4th of July Independent's Day writing contest.

Metaphysical Sex (2004-10-30) short

The winner of the 2004 Piker Press Ghost Story contest. Let the secretary welcome you to the Institute for the Sexual Study of Metaphysical Beings. Ghost busting will never be the same.

Memo to Santa (2005-12-19) short fiction humor Christmas

How does Santa actually determine who has been naughty or nice? Find out in this first prize entry in the Piker Press 2004 "Letters to Santa" contest.

Big Bucks (2012-07-30) short fiction

Life as June Cleaver or a "challenging career with top employers"? Susan Abernathy is a typical modern woman: 4 year degree, three kids, and too many options -- none of which are exactly what she's looking for. A strange epiphany in the waiting room of a temp agency helps her find her way to happiness.

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Nature's Paradise: A Cayman Brac Travelogue (2004-07-10) nonfiction

Cover story

Nature's Paradise: a Cayman Brac Travelogue, Part II (2004-07-17) nonfiction

Once settled into the little rental house on Cayman Brac, the party gets down to the real business of vacationing: snorkeling, playing cards, and finding an open liquor store.

Nature's Paradise: A Cayman Brac Travelogue, Part III (2004-07-24) nonfiction

Attack of the jellyfish! Quick, urinate on the affected area! Our intrepid vacationers explore folk medicine in the Caymans, as well as caves, light houses and "baby boobies".

Nature's Paradise: A Cayman Brac Travelogue, Part IV (2004-07-31) nonfiction

Every earthly Eden has its hidden catch; for the Caymans, it is the vast quantities of bats lurking sinisterly just beneath the lovely surface. Kellie faces bats at every turn and Lori's jellyfish stings are taking on a life of their own, but, hey! That liquor store is actually open today!

Nature's Paradise: a Cayman Brac Travelogue, Part V (2004-08-07) nonfiction

Cover story

How NOT to Make an American Quilt (2005-02-27) nonfiction humor quilt how-to

You have never made a quilt, have you? You have no idea what rotary cutters are, nor do you know what strip quilting means. You thought batting had something to do with baseball, bias was a form of discrimination, and that feed dogs was one of the kids' chores. Well, if you want to learn how to make an American Quilt, read another how-to. If you want to know the suffering you're in for once you decide to give it a try, check out these prophetic pointers.

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Mississippi Review 2005 (2004-08-14) News

While the "Write Fiction Like Cheryl" contest rages in house, the Mississippi Review 2005 will be accepting fiction and poetry through October 1, 2004.

Contests: Einersen Memorial (2005-02-06) news, writing contests

Sci-fi, fantasy or horror stories in 5,000 words or less.

Know Your Writing Markets 01 (2005-02-06) news writing markets

February: Gotta Love it. Like a good love story? Better yet, can you write a good love story? If you can craft an emotional and romantic nonfiction or fiction story, there are several magazines that would love to hear from you.

Know Your Writing Markets 02 (2005-02-13) news writing markets

It's National Heart Month! After eating all that Valentine candy, our hearts could use some nutrition advice and healthy eating. Here are some consumer magazine markets that are looking for a few good articles relating to nutrition and health.

Contests: War Poetry (2005-02-13) news, writing contests

This annual contest is seeking original and unpublished poems about war.

Know Your Writing Markets 03 (2005-02-20) news writing markets

Presidents' Day means many things to Americans. It's a day to remember our forefathers and their sacrifices for our country. It's a day to make a darn good cherry pie and clean out the rain gutters. And it's a day to think about submitting that great American history article you have sitting around somewhere to possibly be published in one of these magazines.

Contests: Glimmer Train (2005-02-20) news, writing contests

Glimmer Train's Spring Short-Story Award for new writers only. Entries should not exceed 12,000 words.

Contests: Scriptapalooza (2005-02-27) news writing contests

This contest is open to any writer, 18 years of age or older, with an unpublished script from any genre. Supported by the Writer's Guild of American and sponsored by the Write Brothers, this annual contest is judged by over 50 production companies.

Know Your Writing Markets 04 (2005-02-27) news writing markets

Did you know that February is National Cherry Month? It is also Great American Pie Month. Coincidence? I think not. Don?t confuse this, however, with National Pie Day, which is January 23, or with the Great American Pie Festival, which is held in April. Here are a few culinary magazines that may be interested in articles about food, cooking, or just pie.

Contests: Pablo Neruda (2005-03-06) news writing contests

This poetry contest is sponsored by Nimrod International Journal. Entries have a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1,900 words.

Know Your Writing Markets 05 (2005-03-06) news writing markets

March is National Umbrella Month. Turn your blue umbrella into a short story or poem and sell it to one of the small literary presses. They may not pay much, if anything, but the publishing credit will boost your self-esteem and look great on your resume.

Know Your Writing Markets 06 (2005-03-13) news writing markets

Travelogues and travel articles are always in demand, so make some reservations, keep track of your expenses in order to take them off your taxes, and write about your experiences for these travel magazines.

Contests: Allen Ginsberg (2005-03-13) news, writing contests

Honoring Allen Ginsberg's contribution to American literature, this contest is open to any writer. Only unpublished poems will be considered for the contest; up to five poems per person are allowed.

Know Your Writing Markets 07 (2005-03-20) news writing markets

If your mind turns to spiritual matters during Christian holy days, perhaps there's an article lurking there that would appeal to one of these Christian periodicals.

Contests: Foley Poetry (2005-03-20) news, writing contests

This contest is sponsored by America, the National Catholic Magazine. They are currently accepting submissions for their annual poetry contest, given in honor of William T. Foley, MD.

Know Your Writing Markets 08 (2005-03-27) news writing markets

Got some favorite funny stories kicking around your family? This week's look at humor markets might be just the thing.

Contests: College Stories (2005-03-27) news writing contests

CollegeStories.com and Random House is teaming up for a book about college life. They are looking for true stories about your funniest or wildest times in college. All stories will be published anonymously, so you don't have to worry about any embarrassing moments cropping up when you least expect them.

Know Your Writing Markets 09 (2005-04-03) news writing markets humor

A few oddball markets make up the collection this week: Dirty Mushroom Review, Oedipus Complex, American Headless Barbie® Doll, and Backflip News.

Contests: Tres Mots (2005-04-03) news, writing contests humor

This contest is sponsored by the California Quick Literature Association, which is actively supporting the right of readers to enjoy teeny tiny stories. Stories must be only three words long, be previously unpublished, and actively tell an engaging story.

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Lamenting the Cephalopod Mollusk (2006-04-24) poem humorous verse

A not-quite-traditional folk ballad of love, death, and mystery. An entry from the 2005 Piker Press Poetry Open. (Originally published 2005-04-24)

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