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July 22, 2024

Sonnet 2

By Tyler Willson

Sonnet 2

As day after day together we live
And year after year, together we grow,
Discover more of what life has to give
And learn more of what life would have us know.
Seasons change, years pass, we do all we can
To learn from mistakes, to grow from our pain.
We stop to look back, see how far we ran
lessons we've learned, since our journey began.
Wiser now, and so far we have traveled
Richer now, yet without fortune or fame
Plans of our youth we see are unraveled
Why do we press on? Are our goals the same?

It's the journey we live for, not the prize at the end
The roads and the trails, what's around the next bend.

Article © Tyler Willson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2010-04-26
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