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July 22, 2024

Sonnet #4

By Tyler Willson

Sonnet #4

Yardwork, neighbors, fences, chainsaws, benches
Sweat, blood, scratches, bruises, aches and pains
Rake, shovel, hoe, hammer, drills and wrenches
Trees, creepers, weeds, branches, brush and light rains.
A list of projects as long as my arm
Where to begin? How to endure, finish?
A modern city, not primitive farm
Working away lest value diminish.
Backyard with a fence, a seat and a view
A safe playground for kids and their parents
Grass under trees, seats around fire, too
A place to be proud of, host fun events.

Perhaps if our bodies don't run out of steam
We may yet survive to witness our dream

Article © Tyler Willson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2010-08-30
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