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February 03, 2025


By Piker Press

Hello, readers and writers!

The theme for the July 7 issue of the Piker Press is "Forgotten Things." Submissions should be short fiction in the range of 1000 to 5000 words, and the deadline is June 16, 2014. Please send submissions as a .doc file or an .rtf to editor@pikerpress.com.

Stories can be serious or silly, humorous or tongue in cheek. "Forgotten Things"...can be sentimental...lost items...lost history...lost mines....or just simply forgot to put the car in park and it rolled down the hill...anything that was, can be, or will be forgotten. ) We hope that writers can have fun writing with this prompt.

Where did the prompt come from? Oh, well, it may have had to do with Lydia Manx's car having to be towed out of the lagoon...


Sand Pilarski
Managing Editor

Article © Piker Press. All rights reserved.
Published on 2014-06-02
2 Reader Comments
Veronica Haunani Fitzhugh
09:24:22 PM
Dear Editor,

Thank you for the opportunity to submit. When will we hear if our pieces were picked or not?

Thank you,
10:19:20 PM
I try to get submissions read within a week; as soon as I read, I let the author know.
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