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July 22, 2024


By Piker Press

Conversations at the weekly Piker Press staff meeting range widely. Often there is mention of food, whether it be to gag and utter disparaging comments about Bernie Pilarski's love of scrapple, or whine with envy over Lydia Manx's ability to access freshly caught seafood. Weather is also frequently discussed; are Dan Mulhollen and Cheryl Haimann freezing their toes off in midwestern winter, and is Sand still sitting on the patio editing on a sunny January day?

This past week, conversation turned to rodentia, as in "Sand, did you ever get that rat out of your studio?"

"Why yes, my dear husband took care of that for me, and my garage studio is now rat-less."

What came next in the conversation was that the Piker Press ought to have another theme issue. Poems, pictures, stories, opinion pieces ... all generated from the prompt "CERTIFIED RAT-FREE."

Submissions should be directed to editor@pikerpress.com, with the word "Rat" in the subject line. The deadline is March 16.

Don't worry too much about which word in the prompt takes your fancy. Just run with it!

Article © Piker Press. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-03-09
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