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July 22, 2024

Reflections from the Newsreel: The After

By Carl Wade Thompson

The After

The election has come -- gone,
blasts of circumstance resounding.
But now the day after -- solemn,
the Internet abuzz with weeping.
Is this real? We ask,
drugged and dazed in the wake.
Questioning, like Socrates, trying to break this dream state.
Yes, it's the Real,
A situation displaced in time.
The Whites have spoken;
the fool is King.
And we are mere paper dolls,
discarded, melting in the fall rain.

Article © Carl Wade Thompson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-11-14
Image(s) are public domain.
2 Reader Comments
Michelle Tvete
02:27:47 PM
Powerful, Wade! And that last image is haunting.
Sarah Webb
09:47:55 PM
It does feel like that still, like it isn't real. And like our efforts to improve the world have been discarded. Though I do remind myself that Hilary actually got more votes than he did.
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