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July 22, 2024

Reflections from the Newsreel 02: Alt

By Carl Wade Thompson


They come now, quickly,
once hidden from view.
No more white sheets,
now wolves attired in suits.
Skin heads, but with hair grown out,
lessons learned from the past.
Their voices seep into our brains,
words crafted to manipulate.
Private views become public,
things said that should never be said.
Hate is their message -- plain, clear,
poisoned speech drips in our ears.
I am afraid of what they say,
discourse honed with college degrees.
My mind hears their racist beliefs,
white power's now mainstream.
Is this my country,
Land of the free?
Or is this a nightmare,
our distorted American Dream?
There are no more answers,
only questions come to pass.
Was there ever justice, decency?
Or is this the way it's always been?

Article © Carl Wade Thompson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-11-21
Image(s) are public domain.
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