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January 20, 2025

Bookshelf: The Curse Under the Freckles, by Terry Petersen

By Piker Press

The Curse Under the Freckles

by Terry Petersen

Chase was born with the sign of the Star League. League members live magical lives, but Chase's sign has been cursed. His mother never told him because the Malefics, the League's enemies are dangerous -- deadly dangerous. By the time Chase learns about his sign he has a broken leg and has lost every helpful person or thing. Or at least he thinks he has.

While the characters in "The Curse Under the Freckles" are young the situations they face could interest parents and grandparents as well. Indigo's hair bursts into flames when he gets excited. He can read minds, both an advantage and an irritation. His sister, Anna, has a magical gift of healing, but sometimes speaks without thinking and hurts Chase's feelings.

These kids live in both the magical and the everyday real-life world. Death and loss exist. Their magical powers have not spared them. Chase's magic has been broken. He has a curse to break. And no one, even the great leader, Grandfather, can tell him how he will do it.

"The Curse Under the Freckles," a middle-grade fantasy, is available at Amazon as well as Joseph Beth online and Barnes and Noble.

Article © Piker Press. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-08-31
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