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February 03, 2025

Contests: Five Points James Dickey Prize for Poetry

By Gillespie and Queen

Five Points James Dickey Prize for Poetry

Five Points is a literary journal that publishes quality fiction, essays, poetry, photographs, artwork and interviews. They are very interested in writing that has an original voice and significance.

The contest is open to any writer. Up to three poems may be submitted and there are no limitations as to style and content. There is a $20 reading fee for each poem submitted; however, the fee includes a one-year subscription to Five Points Literary Magazine.

The deadline for entries is November 30, 2004. See the webpage for complete guidelines at http://webdelsol.com/Five_Points/guidelines/contes...

The winner will receive $1000 and publication in the Vol. 9, No. 3 issue of Five Points.


...and don't forget:


A favorite Piker past-time since 2001 and the inspiration behind the founding of the Piker Press, National Novel Writing Month kicks off on November 1, 2004. Anyone who finishes is a winner, and the only prize is the satisfaction of having written a novel, but what a delightful prize it is! It's not too late to try to write a 50,000 word novel by November 30, 2004, especially with mottoes like "Quantity, not quality!" and "No plot? No problem!"

Sign up at the official site at NaNoWriMo.org.

Darklight anti-fanfic, running now through Jan 31, 2005. Retell the terrible sci-fi channel movie to share among fellow (anti)fans or come up with an original idea based on the demoness Lilith for possible publication in the Press. More info.


Article © Gillespie and Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-11-13
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