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October 21, 2024

Contests: Literal Lattes and Santa

By Gillespie and Queen

Literal Latte Food Verse Awards

I spied this morning's slimy slug's silvery saliva slinking
Up the lettuce leaf where the caped culprit sinfully slurped
Successive succulent sucks of my Saturday salad.

--- from Getting The Newspaper From The Lawn by James Ciletti

Poems with food as an ingredient could win $500 in the Literal Latte Food Verse Awards. The deadline is January 15, 2005. The fee is $10 for six poems or $15 for 12 poems.

All entries are considered for publication in the Literal Latte Magazine. For more information, go to www.literal-latte.com


Literal Latte Fiction Award

Unpublished stories of less than 6,000 words can be entered in the Literal Latte Fiction Contest. All styles and subjects are welcome. Deadline is January 15, 2005. The fee for one story is $10 and for two is $15.

First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $300
Third Prize: $200

See the web page listed above for more information.


Piker Press "Letters to Santa" Open

"Dear Santa --
What I really want for Christmas is a shoulder-to-air missile launcher, but all you have to bring me is a pair of pliers, three of those cardboard tubes from inside a paper-towel roll, and some chewing gum. I'll take care of the rest from there.

-- MacGuyver

Surely Santa must see some unusual requests from unusual people. We'd like to see some of the same here. Deadline is December 18, 2004, with winner and runners-up appearing in the December 25, 2004 issue of the Piker Press. Contestants may submit multiple entries.

Send entries to contests@filthypikers.com.


...and don't forget:

Darklight anti-fanfic, running now through Jan 31, 2005. Retell the terrible sci-fi channel movie to share among fellow (anti)fans or come up with an original idea based on the demoness Lilith for possible publication in the Press. More info.


Article © Gillespie and Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-12-04
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