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July 22, 2024

Contests: World of Darkness

By Gillespie and Queen

World of Darkness Novel Contest

For fans of the White Wolf RPG system, a new contest offers $20,000 in prizes for the best novel featuring a character from either the Vampire: The Requiem or Werewolf: The Forsaken game systems. The contest is in three stages.

Round One: Send in a synopsis of your proposed novel. 100 best submissions will receive $50.
Round Two: Write the first chapter and send it in. The five best will win $1000 each.
Round Three: Write the novel and send it in. The winner will receive a $10,000 advance.

The deadline for Round One is March 15, 2005. For more information, go to http://www.worldofdarkness.com/novelcontest/.

--AQ with assistance from Wendy Robards

...and don't forget

Darklight anti-fanfic, running now through Jan 31, 2005. Retell the terrible sci-fi channel movie to share among fellow (anti)fans or come up with an original idea based on the demoness Lilith for possible publication in the Press. More info.


Article © Gillespie and Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-12-25
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