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January 13, 2025

Geistmann 3: To the Ends of the Earth, Chapter Six

By Ron Singer

Chapter Six.

Unknown Location,
Saturday, December 29th, 2018; Sunday, December 30th, 2018; & Thursday, January 3rd, 2019.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Geistmann doubled over laughing.

Imagine! Here I am in ... never mind! ... watching John Robinson on his landlord's webcam in a flat in Yerevan ... and watching my old friend, and sometime associate, searching for me on webcams in Hawaii! Life is rich! What a delightfully un-private world this has become! Soon, any idiot will be able to call himself a spy. Farewell to legends, drop boxes, and hidey-holes! Farewell to moles, safe houses, and (ooh!) honey traps!

The next question is whether American Family Robinson will be flying to Honolulu via L.A. or Vancouver. But that will become moot as soon as he books their flight.

Equally incredible, this assiduous researcher has completely neglected to protect his computer files and internet searches! Not so much as a decent password! This must mean he no longer enjoys FBI encryption services, including their self-vaunted use of the "mirrors" system. (Does anyone still use a BlackBerry? Or a knock-off, since they are no longer even made by the original company.)

Robinson's lack of encryption must also mean his visit from Diodur today was unofficial because, otherwise, the Bureau would have insisted that their conversation be secure. Or ... do I have all that wrong? Could the devious little devil want me to know what he's thinking? Hmm!

So those are the swine he guesses I may have killed, or tried to kill. Some good suggestions there! And the clever fellow still has an excellent ear for my tendentious puns! I hope his own efforts mean that he respects me for inventing the prototypes.

But, thus far, at least, not a single one of his guesses is correct. Alas! The librarian's skills as a clairvoyant seem to be eroding. I do hope his day job will not follow suit. For, if his masters at Columbia were to decide that John was 'dead wood,' and if they determined to 'give him the push, ' how would the poor fellow make a living? Perish the thought, but he might be forced to become a full-time sleuth!

There are also his jejeune speculations about my allegiances. After all the occasions on which I have schooled John Robinson, how could he underestimate me so badly? Tsk, tsk! My feelings are hurt. Imagine even entertaining the notion that I could be working for that bumbling asshole, Scott Peters! Or, even worse, for the lethal POS, that arch-hypocrite who is devastating our entire planet! On the other hand, although John is still uncertain as to whether Fred & Co. want to kill me, or to keep me from being killed, he seems tacitly to have accepted Diodur's assignment. Excelsior!

But my hour, alas, is up, so once again it is time to move on! (Sighing, and raising an imaginary glass) Well, my friend, a bientot! Et bonne annee a toi, mon copain, and to your lovely wife and children!

Four days later, he had his answer. Instead of "La La Land," the Robinsons had chosen to fly to Hawaii via Canada's "Lotus Land," Vancouver. Since Geistmann had reason to avoid that city (he had once dispatched a Vancouverite drug dealer who turned out to be a police informant), a surrogate would have to be employed, to carry out his delicate little errand. Luckily, he already had one on his payroll.

If readers are interested in Reading Geistmann, it is available as a free PDF from the author. Please visit www.ronsinger.net for contact information.

And Geistmann in Africa (Geistman II):

Article © Ron Singer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-05-23
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