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January 20, 2025

Geistmann 3: To the Ends of the Earth, Chapter Nineteen

By Ron Singer

Chapter Nineteen:

Cyberspace, Monday, February 25th - Tuesday, February 26th, 2019.

Text from Harito Yurei, Tagaguchi-Gumi Organization, to Geistmann (translated):

Honored Sir,

Would like to meet you ASAP to discuss mutually beneficial business proposition. Location and terms left to you.

With sincere admiration,


Text from Geistmann to Harito Yurei (translated):

My dear Harry-san,

Much obliged for your generous offer. Suppose we meet in Chicago in about a week's time? Details to follow.



Text from Geistmann to John Robinson (translated):

Greetings, John,
If you're still Down Under, are you contemplating a return to NY anytime soon? If so, I'd love to see you, possibly at any of the following: LAX, SFO, DFW. I'm considering a major career change, and could use your advice.

Trust all well,


Text from John Robinson to Geistmann (translated):

Glad you are still extant, G., and would be glad to see you again. Flying back to NY Wednesday, February 27th. Connecting at LAX, c.1600 hours.


Text from Scott Peters to John Robinson (translated)

Hello again, John.

Do you happen to know the current whereabouts of our mutual friend? Urgent the Bureau communicate with him.

Trust you are carrying on,


Text from John Robinson to Scott Peters (translated):

Dear Scott,

Long time! Sorry, but no idea of G's current whereabouts. Suggest you place an ad in the newspaper.



Text from Fred Neugeborn, Director, VICAP, to John Robinson (translated):


Re: Pursuant to your recent visit from DF in Yerevan, G. once again in the wind. He gave us the slip in Castello, Italy, last Tuesday, Feb. 19th.. Can you help us find him again?

Thanks, and regards,


Text from John Robinson to Fred Neugeborn (translated):

Subject has proposed meeting me at 1600 hours tomorrow, Wednesday, February 25th, at LAX, transfer point for my Canberra-NY flight. SP has also inquired re: G's whereabouts, but I blew him off. Presumably, POTUS wants G. sensationally murdered, as a distraction from the upcoming release of the Mueller report. He must have had one of his flunkies text SP (ass-kisser to ass-kisser) with vague instructions (to cover the presidential posterior). Will be back at work in NY soon. Love to get in a game w/you and/or Bob, assuming you and/or Bob has (have) lost a step. You should also meet my kids, while they still are (kids).

Warm best,


Text from Fred Neugeborn to John Rocker, Agent-in-Charge, Western Europe, cc. Bob Martinez (translated).

G. will be meeting JR at LAX tomorrow, Wednesday, February 27th, around 1600 hours. Suggest we not attempt interdiction (to avoid collateral damage), instead try to pick up subject's trail. Please assemble a team.


Text from John Rocker to Fred Neugeborn, cc. to Hank Yazzie, (Director, Tucson Office, FBI), & Bob Martinez (translated)

To Fred: Roger.

Hank: Please have your team in place at LAX by 1500 hours tomorrow, Wednesday, February 27th, when G. expected to appear (presumably disguised). SURVEIL ONLY!!! (Sorry for short notice.)

Bob: Stand by to assist Hank.


Text from Geistmann to Harito Yurei (translated):


Suggest we meet Chicago, IL, Monday, March 4th 2019. Propose one associate each, not bodyguards. And no weapons! (I'm sure we could kill each other with our hands and feet.) Will send further details on or before Sunday, March 3rd.


If readers are interested in Reading Geistmann, it is available as a free PDF from the author. Please visit www.ronsinger.net for contact information.

And Geistmann in Africa (Geistman II):

Article © Ron Singer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-08-22
Image(s) are public domain.
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