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July 22, 2024

Lichloved 01

By Alexandra Queen

A shadow knight with skeleton pet stand over a fallen man while their standard waves in the background. Blood spatters as a man is slashed with a sword. A skeleton feasts on flesh. Ever wonder what makes a soul embark upon the path of evil? A cute little blond girl in pink holds a teddy bear and talks to a drab little girl saying hi, my name is Ashlinne. The drab girl says Hi, I'm Byzantium. My owns a lot of inns. He's rich. The girl in pink says My daddy sacks villages. He's evil.

Stylistically, this strip pleased me. Rich, vivid and a great contrast with the last panel. Also, Byzantium's face captured the essentials of the original pencil sketch. I was pretty happy with this strip. Aside from the fact that I did at 72 res like a moron.

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Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-10-31
Image(s) © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
2 Reader Comments
12:53:57 PM
So sad! I liked this strip and was always disappointed it ended so soon...now I'm told its archive is gone, and when I look for myself, it's true. Now I can't even recommend it or reread it.
03:17:20 PM
Editor's Note: I did not know that the links to Lichloved were broken! Must have happened before I took over as Managing Editor. I'd love to run this story again, but I'll have to ask the author for permission. Keep your fingers crossed.
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