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July 22, 2024

Lichloved 03

By Alexandra Queen

A young girl in pink looks sad and frightened standing next to a shadow knight and a broken window. Ashlinne asks where her mommy is while General Lichloved dusts his hands and chuckles, saying, Yeah, about that... A young girl with big tear filled blue eyes looks sad and frightened as she hugs a teddy bear. Ashlinne holds back tears as she tells Mr. Bear that everything will be all right, because at least they have each other.

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This is where I started to get lost. I learned how to create a dizzying array of filters on individual shape layers. I hadn't learned to use stroke properly yet, though, so Ashlinne's eyes are black circles with white circles over them. She looks like a raccoon. Also, I was so absorbed with shape and shading and giddy over how her mouth came out that I forgot to smooth my curves on the rest of the shape. I went back to fix it only to find that I had also forgotten to save a .psd copy -- meaning that I'd have to do it over basically from scratch. I would have, but I received quite a bit of pressure to wait until the whole series was done to fix it.

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Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-11-14
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