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July 22, 2024

Lichloved 08

By Alexandra Queen

Necromancer, shadow knight, attempt to reanimate a teddy bear. A seductive necromancer in black leather with a whip smiles as her husband, handcuffed to a sacrificial altar, tries to say the safety word in vain.

A few short weeks ago, we were ranked in the 400's. You votin maniacs are awesome!! Thank you!

The funniest part of this comic for me is Hazz's dad's socks. They make me laugh every time I see em. Fun fact: Though this is the strip where Hazz's daddy dies, he's actually a pivotal character in Part Two as I'm storyboarding it.

Your vote counts! Voting every 24 hours would rock, but every little bit helps. Last I checked there we were competing with over 3400 comics in the ranking at TopWebComics. Once we hit the top 100, that's free advertising!! Woot! Thanks for your clicky support! Vote for 1542 on the Top 100 Comic sites!

Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-12-19
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