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July 22, 2024

Lichloved 12

By Alexandra Queen

In his dorm room at the Academy of Dark Arts, necromancer Hazzanghoul Lichloved helps an attractive co-ed ...study. Interrupted by an undead teddy bear, Hazz realizes that his younger step-sister Ashlinne has come to pester him to help her study to become a Shadow Knight.

Gonna be line art from here on out, I'm afraid. The Photoshop color collage method I was using was great for childlike impressions, but you just can't beat pencil and ink for expression. The original pencils for this strip are here, if you like to look at that sort of thing.

I didn't purposely plan it in blocks of 13, but in case you're wondering where the strip is going, the next 13 strips have Ash at 13-14 and then the final 13 strips have Ashlinne at 16. Don't get prim on me now, guys. The strip is about necromancy, evil and murder - if you've stuck with me this far, you can handle the occasional nekkid shoulder or merrywidow. And I'm sorry, you can't have undead skeletal minions without a boner joke now and again. It's in the rules. You'll get over it.

And yes, Ashlinne is wearing a "goodbye kitty" tee.

Those of you who have been voting daily are flat out awesome, but I'm very grateful for anyone who's clicked the button. Check back for occasional "extras" when you vote! Vote for 1542 on the Top 100 Comic sites!

Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-01-16
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